SysInfo 10.1 H0 Reference Manual

October 8, 2021

Table of Contents

I. General Reference
mcsysinfo - MagniComp SysInfo -- display detailed system information in a platform neutral manner
II. Command Reference
mcsysinfocli - MagniComp SysInfo Command Line Interface (CLI)
mcsysinfogui - MagniComp SysInfo Graphical User Interface (GUI)
mcsysinfod - MagniComp SysInfo Service Protocol (SSP) server
III. Configuration Reference
mcsysinfosid - MagniComp SysInfo Databases (SID)
mcsysinfohcf - MagniComp SysInfo Host access Configuration File (HCF)
mcsysinfocfg - MagniComp SysInfo runtime configuration file
mcsysinfositeinfo - MagniComp SysInfo Site Information file
IV. Data Formats Reference
mcsysinforeport - MagniComp SysInfo report field deliminated output format
V. Programming Reference
mcsysinfoc - MagniComp SysInfo C API to obtain detailed system information in a platform neutral manner
mcsysinfoperl - MagniComp SysInfo Perl API to obtain detailed system information in a platform neutral manner

List of Tables

1. Overview of Output
2. Format of a bios name2 Entry
3. Format of bios Property Entries
4. Format overview of device Entries
5. Format of device data Entry
6. List of device data Property Entries
7. Format of device name Information (deprecated)
8. Format of cpuinfo Information
9. Format of cacheinfo Information
10. Format of Device Description Information
11. Format of Device Network Interface Information (deprecated)
12. Format of filesys Name Entry
13. Format of filesys prop Entry
14. Format of general Information
15. Format of kernel Information
16. Format of license Name Entry
17. Format of license Property Information
18. Format of netif Name Entry
19. Format of netif Property Information
20. Format of a network Entry
21. Format of a partition Entry
22. Format of a printer name Entry
23. Format of a printer desc Entry
24. Format of process Entries
25. Format overview of siteinfo Entries
26. Format of siteinfo name Entry
27. Format of siteinfo prop Entry
28. Canonical definetion of a software package
29. Software File Information
30. Format of a software desc Entry
31. Format of a sysconf desc Entry
32. Data Members of mcSysInfo

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