Data Details

The following table provides details on what data is provided by this class. Not all data types are provided on all platforms.

Table 3.1. Service Data Details

NameNameThe name of the service.rlogind
IdentifierIDA unique identifier provided by the service.A1234
DescriptionDescriptA one line description of the service.Provides remote login service for rlogin command.
Description (Verbose)DescVerboseA verbose (possibly multiple line) description of the service.Provides remote login service for rlogin command. Allows authorized users to login remotely.
StateStateThe state of the service as provided by the service or platform.running, stopped, failed
Boot Time EnabledBootEnabledSpecifies whether the service is enabled for automatic start during system boot. Value is either YES or NO.YES
RC CommandRcCmdThe command used to control the service./etc/init.d/rlogind
Configuration FileConfigFileThe configuration file used by the service./etc/default/rlogind
Start NumberStartNumThe order number that the service is started.95
Stop NumberStopNumThe order number that the service is stopped.15
Boot LevelsBootLevelsA comma seperated list of system boot levels that this service is enabled form.1,2,3