Chapter 4. Known Issues

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Monitors Blink When SysInfo Is Run


While we strive to produce a problem free product, there are sometimes issues which are not easily resolved or for which special consideration is required. This chapter discribes known issues and workarounds for this release of the software.

Monitors Blink When SysInfo Is Run

Certain graphics drivers on Linux will momentarily blink the attached monitor when SysInfo and other similiar programs such as ddcprobe are run. The blink occurs when the monitor is probed via the DDC protocol. The blinking is a bug in the graphics drivers themselves rather than a bug in the SysInfo. If you wish to avoid blinking monitors, specify the --avoidblink command line option. When specified, DDC probing will not be performed when graphics cards known to have this problem are installed.

The list of known graphics cards known to have this problem is as follows:

  • Matrox G200

  • Intel 815